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IOCC Emergency Kits
Following the directive of His Grace, Bishop Gregory the faithful at St. Nicholas have put into action the assembling of Emergency Kits for IOCC. The parish council generously allotted $5,000 to purchase the supplies necessary to assemble both clean-up buckets and hygiene kits. Some of the faithful of St. Nicholas Church gathered on Saturday September 23, 2017 to assemble the cleaning kits. They were able to assemble 58 kits in just over 16 minutes. They came together and completed this project in the spirit of love and generosity. When all the kits were completed and we went to take a picture of the group, they asked if they could sing the Tropar to St. Nicholas. After taking some photos they sang the hymn beautifully as you could feel their love for their patron saint! As the hymn states, he is "a model of faith and an example of virtue."